• @MimicJar
    31 year ago

    Extension support/customization.

    I used Firefox on the desktop since it was called Firebird. I could mix and match and mush all sorts of crazy things into it over the years. I was very happy with it.

    Then Australis (sp?) changed everything on the desktop and broke all my extensions. Some still worked, but since the goal was “be Chrome” I just switched to that.

    On mobile it was a similar experience. I could add all sorts of extensions and then one day I just couldn’t. All the browsers were basically the same so I switched to Chrome.

    One day Chrome added the ability to have the URL bar on the bottom and I was so pleased. Then one day they took it away. I looked online how to get it back and discovered Firefox could do it. Then I learned that as long as I used Firefox Nightly I could install extensions. (I think you can do this in stable now?) Then I learned about a handful of other useful customizations.

    I use Firefox mainly. I use Chrome sometimes if I’m testing something, mostly to test “Did I fuck up with my constant customization in Firefox or is this website just stupid?”

    I use Firefox because it (generally) let’s me decide how it should work.