It’s ugly and load times last around 40 seconds.

EDIT: Le boss annonce qu’ils corrigeront les problèmes via update. J’y crois pas une seconde, mais ça été dit.

  • ArugulaZ
    59 months ago

    People don’t necessarily need that kind of RRRRAW POWERRRR when playing video games, especially on the go. You’re asking people to carry around a chainsaw when a pen knife will do the job.

    • WhyIDie
      9 months ago

      I still go back to older consoles/handhelds because of some of their libraries, and, judging from releases, publishers do, too

      high fidelity doesn’t equal pretty graphics; it’s just a chosen art style. the problem surrounding all this MK switch stuff is they had to compromise on their art style, and make it much much less cohesive with the original intent, to get it to run on the system. An MK designed with the switch as a high priority would be a very different-looking game

      given that, 3/10 is still a meme score meant to drive traffic to their site