• @sailingbythelee
    229 months ago

    The anti-gay movement never stopped. It seemed like people would finally accept that gay people exist and stop discriminating against them in the 90s when homosexuality started to get institutional acceptance and mainstream representation in media. This societal acceptance did tamp down public expressions of anti-gay hate. Unfortunately, the far right never accepted them. Knuckleheads love Trumpism because Trump and his ilk made it semi-acceptable to express hate in public again. You can’t blame the gays for coming out to counter-protest those who want to stuff them back in the closet. This isn’t really a “both sides” issue. Everyone knows darn well that the gays are a historically oppressed group. They still have to constantly stand up for themselves against people who still hate them and try to demonize or exclude them, or else their status may degrade back to the way it was pre-90s.

    • FiveMacs
      -69 months ago

      I’m not blaming anyone. I just want the constant political topics to cease. It’s too loud.

      • snooggums
        99 months ago

        People being trans isn’t a political topic except as a response to bigots making it one. Acting like people just existing is political is putting them blame on them for existing.

        Complain about the people who are making people existing a political topic instead of the topic itself.

      • @[email protected]
        49 months ago

        The anti-SOGI people don’t want queer people to exist. More specifically, they don’t want their kids to be queer.

        The pro-SOGI people want queer people to live and thrive. That’s it. I’d like to live my life without being hated for who I am. It’s not about “politics” — the anti people don’t want me to exist.

        The reason it was “loud” today was because a bunch of homophobes and transphobes decided to have a hate parade across the country. If there was no march planned by the anti-SOGI people, it would have been a quiet Wednesday.

        • FiveMacs
          -19 months ago

          Not just today, I’m talking everywhere. Online or offline. It’s just too in my face political everything. Worst part, you say anything seemingly negative and people assume you’re a convoy idiot or whatever and want others gone. I’m far from it, just tired. Can’t have honest discussions because people instantly label left Or right, or for/against. I’m the most neutral there is. Sad times. I’ll keep just hiding from the world till it settles.

          I don’t personally know what sogi is.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            Scroll past, then, or educate yourself. Saying that you’re not interested in the topic while also saying that you don’t know what it is… why are you even here? Why are you adding to the political discourse by saying that you don’t want people to engage in political discourse? Good grief.

      • @[email protected]
        09 months ago

        Sounds like a you problem. Not even being flip or glib, it sounds like you have issues you need to work out.