Bill Maher has delayed returning to his HBO talk show during the ongoing strike by writers and actors, a decision that follows similar pauses over the weekend by “The Drew Barrymore Show,” “The Talk” and “The Jennifer Hudson Show.”

Maher last week said he would bring his show back into production, but on Monday said he’ll wait because talks are scheduled to begin between producers and writers on Wednesday.

  • @NightAuthor
    11 year ago

    I think you can have sense and still find him a little entertaining. He’s definitely a bit full of himself, but I enjoy hearing someone talk shit a little shit about the left.

    Guess I did get a little tired of him, haven’t watched his show in like a year. But I wouldn’t say I hate him.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      He’s a disgusting individual who regularly courts the fascist alt-right while making statements where we routinely attacks average people.