Recently switched over to mull browser. Fork of the Firefox browser, works great so far. Also if you are unsure of the security of your browser, could use the website,, that rates your current browsers. Runs 100+ against several tests and reports back.
What’s the fork have under it’s belt that makes you like it? I just tried Firefox again and it lacks a few nice features I’m used to, but overall seems pretty quick. It didn’t want to stay logged in but that could have been operator error on my part.
Recently switched over to mull browser. Fork of the Firefox browser, works great so far. Also if you are unsure of the security of your browser, could use the website,, that rates your current browsers. Runs 100+ against several tests and reports back.
What’s the fork have under it’s belt that makes you like it? I just tried Firefox again and it lacks a few nice features I’m used to, but overall seems pretty quick. It didn’t want to stay logged in but that could have been operator error on my part.