Microsoft is releasing a big Windows 11 update on September 26. Update 23H2 includes the new AI-powered Windows Copilot feature, a native RAR app, a new volume mixer and a lot more.

  • @avater
    999 months ago

    Removed by mod

    • @WhyYesZoidberg
      309 months ago

      Started a new job 4 months ago. First time using a windows desktop since windows 2000. Have multi screens always sucked this bad? You never know on what screen a launched window will appear.

      How can people work like this?

      • @SauceFlexr
        159 months ago

        That’s interesting. Windows 11 is the best multi monitor version of windows ever, in my experience. It “remembers” where apps were last used opens them there. While not perfect, I find it great that it handles more than one multiple monitor setup. I have 3 monitors at home and 2 at the office. I just plug in and they are always in the same alignment. Given how bad it was in previous versions, I’m impressed.

        • Obinice
          69 months ago

          I love the part where it remembers what screen an application was last launched on, even if that screen is no longer connected, so the window is completely missing with no visible way to get it back 😅

          But yes, I find multiple monitor stuff to mostly be good in Win11 I agree!

          Though it’s sorely missing a feature Win10 had that I find really, REALLY annoying. My monitors aren’t the same resolution, so when I move my mouse from one of a higher resolution to a lower one, if the mouse is near the top of the screen as it often is, it will literally get stuck on the edge of the screen, because the next screen technically has no pixels that high up 🤦‍♀️

          So I then have to move the mouse down an inch or two to get it to be allowed to move to the next screen. Incredibly infuriating, and a problem that was solved in previous versions of Windows (which would just helpfully move your mouse to the top of the neighbouring screen, as you’d intuitively want).

          • @SauceFlexr
            19 months ago

            I usually move the monitors around, the move my mouse to test it, until I avoid that, as perfectly aligning then with different resolutions doesn’t work. But yeah, totally know what you’re saying.

          • @elephantium
            19 months ago

            When the invisible app window happens, you can use the windows key + arrow keys to move the current window around.

            Agreed about the mouse thing being infuriating. I match my display resolutions to avoid it.

      • no banana
        139 months ago

        They have not sucked this bad, no.

      • @avater
        9 months ago

        to be fair my macbook pro I use for working has the same problems. If I connect it to my dual screen setup at home it always forgets which screen contained which window…sometimes it even forgets which wallpaper I have set up. Multiple screens seem to be a huge challenge for modern operating systems…

          • @WhyYesZoidberg
            69 months ago

            still run xorg. predictable and stable. Win11 multi monitor is a lottery. so is audio. have music playing and then join a teams meeting? sorry there’s a problem with your audio and you need to reboot

            fuuucking hell

          • @dustyData
            19 months ago

            Wayland is not ready, 99% of Linux apps don’t run on Wayland. XWayland doesn’t count.

      • @OskarAxolotl
        39 months ago

        I have been using a multi-monitor setup for years and never had any issues. Windows will usually appear on the screen you closed them on.

    • no banana
      219 months ago

      I’ve been waiting to move my fucking taskbar forever.

      • @avater
        29 months ago

        we had it in windows 7, 8, Vista, 10

        • Certified Asshole
          79 months ago

          This ancient technology is long lost by now. Pictures on clay plates is not how we are used to read comments in code now.

      • @avater
        9 months ago

        I won’t use another software to enable a feature that was standart in older windows versions. My computer is fairly clean, will stay clean and is only used for gaming so it has nothing else than drivers, launchers like steam and gog and the games installed.