cross-posted from:[email protected]/t/476611

What if we got to easily choose our web browser, and didn’t have to rely on complex operating system settings to change the pre-installed default?

Do you keep the default browser on your Linux distro, or do you change it? If yes, why?

  • @[email protected]
    -101 year ago

    Isn’t that 98% OF a total of 3% market share, a market share that’s still on a steady decline

    So basically just under 3% of people (provided Mozilla’s data is accurate), which means…nothing cause ain’t noone listens to the tiny minority, as much as I would like it to be not the case

    • @Khanzarate
      171 year ago

      No. Mozilla is a nonprofit that includes Firefox, but is not Firefox.

      Bias is one of the first things anyone learns in statistics, they didn’t just poll Firefox users to figure out who likes browser choice. The article says who they polled.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        neither the article nor the research their pulling from does tho? all i see is “people”

        • @Khanzarate
          91 year ago

          There’s a link to the actual report in the article, which has further links to the documents used in the survey.

          To be specific, this wasn’t a traditional questionnaire, they made limited-functionality desktop environments and had people try out different options.

          The link in the article.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            i looked over that one, no wonder i found it so confusing (maybe my limited knowledge of english got in the way?) thanks for clarifying

            • @Khanzarate
              31 year ago

              No worries. Its an interesting study, and Mozilla does good work.