Any specific types of content you want to see more of here

  • Ronon Dex
    71 year ago

    More entertainment, whether the content is original or not.

    What I miss from reddit are the funny videos, memes, the crème de la crème of tiktok and youtube. It doesn’t have to be original, it has to be high quality and entertaining or insightful. I miss the old r/videos before it got split into r/videos and r/publicfreakout.

    Not always, but most of the time when I come back home, I want to turn off my brain, laugh and be entertained at random shit. I don’t want to see random political debate, outrage, etc…

    • AFK BRB Chocolate
      11 year ago

      I was actually surprised when the first thing that came to mind for this question was “funny videos.” I’m a pretty avid reader, and I like the discussions a lot, but there are a lot of good discussions here. There are also a crap ton on memes. What I don’t see many of is funny videos.