• @TheMauveAvenger
    448 months ago

    Why are there so many of you fuckers out here that think peanuts grow on trees.

    • @tburkhol
      328 months ago

      That’s what’s so funny. Get rid of your peanut trees. And your raisin bushes. Tear our the potato hedge.

      • @[email protected]
        98 months ago

        Fuck, I wish I could just pick potatoes off of a hedge in my back yard.

        Unfortunately I live in an apartment 😢

        • VenoraTheBarbarian
          08 months ago

          Do you have a balcony that gets good light? Google “potato grow bag” if you do, and if you wanna grow some potatoes 😁

          • @Dozzi92
            38 months ago

            I have a yard but opted for a grow bag. After a while I saw buds pop up, but it looked sparse. The results seemed as though they’d be a disappointment, until I unearthed them one day and had a ton of potatoes. None particularly large, but it was pretty awesome to discover. And let me tell you, I did so very little to keep them alive. They’re pretty easy to grow.

            And the grow bags are now the home to two blueberry bushes that I also do nothing for, and the fucking birds come and they eat my goddamn blueberries, and so maybe next year!

            • JackFrostNCola
              8 months ago

              Can whomever it is in the neighbourhood with a blueberry tree please remove it? The birds keep landing on our fence to eat them and our cat is hurting our eardrums from all the meowing. She cant ignore them, its her prey drive. Also they are dropping blueberry skins all in the bushes and our neoghbours son has a blueberry allergy.