These shoot up or down from the sky and leave a trail of smoke. Are these meteors?

      • @SzethFriendOfNimi
        1 year ago

        Contrails are water vapor

        Cloud seeding is something different and usually involves injecting small particulates for water droplets to nucleate on.

        Where chemtrails are usually a reference to a particular chemical introduced to disperse into the air (not nucleate with). Often as part of a conspiracy saying all aircraft are taking part in blanketing the skies with whatever chemical agent is the flavor of the week. I’ve heard people say it’s mixed into the fuels, etc.

        However, there are very rare instances where a plane (excluding crop dusters) will actually release chemicals via fuel into the air. When a plane has to make an emergency landing (especially right after takeoff) they may actually dump fuel in order to reduce weight and to minimize the explosive/fire hazard from the fuel.

        Here’s a video by Captain Joe which covers contrails and fuel dumping

      • FuglyDuck
        461 year ago

        …that didn’t take long…

        Chemtrails are not real.

        while cloud seeding is a thing, this is not what the conspiracy theorists are pointing at as ‘chemtrails’. you can know that because cloud seeding kind of requires clouds to function. which, would obscure any smoke trails left by the silver iodide. cloud seeding takes already-condensed-out water vapor (aka, clouds,) and gives it something to attach to in large enough quantities that the droplets fall out of suspension- that is to say, they, uh, precipitate… and… uh… become precipitation… (aka, rain. or hail.)

        this is done for a variety of purposes. the first is to cause clouds to precipitate in specific areas (I.E. LA does this over the San Bernardino Valley, to cause the precipitation to help with their hydro electric plants. And California does it up in the mountains to generate snow pack.)

        Then there’s the opposite- for example, around airports, they’ll seed fog banks to get rid of the fog. or, in a bit more of a vane example, they seeded clouds to prevent it from raining on the Beijing Olympic’s opening ceremony.

        • Uncle
          11 year ago

          they seed the clouds around my area to help with hail damage. the farther from the city you go, the worse the hail.

      • Live Your Lives
        71 year ago

        You are technically correct but only if you are loose with how you define chemtrails.

      • @[email protected]
        -221 year ago

        Not sure why this is getting downvoted. He’s not wrong. We really do use chemicals to try and get it to rain more.

        • FuglyDuck
          221 year ago

          because when people talk about chemtrails, and they point to examples, it’s usually very obviously not cloud seeding. which wouldn’t be particuarly visible considering they burn the silver iodide inside clouds. to. seed. the cloud. (it doesn’t create clouds. it causes clouds to precipitate into rain.)

        • @3laws
          151 year ago

          Cloud seeding ≠ chemtrails.

        • @qwertilliopasd
          91 year ago

          We do. In specific circumstances. The conspiracy of chemtrails is that all airplanes are releasing chemical agents other than combustion products for nefarious purposes. They are getting downvoted for suggesting the existence of a technology proves its constant use.

          All Airplanes release chemicals - True (exhaust)

          Airplanes can be used to release other chemical agents - True (crop dusting, air show smoke, cloud seeding, firefighting slurry)

          United Flight 237 is used to spread chemical agents - False