I have my home network behind a wireguard VPN connection. The wireguard “server” is run on a debian computer and the home network is handled by an opnsense computer.

Edit: opnsense does DHCP but a switch does the actual local routing, so opnsense isn’t involved in 10.0.66.XXX <-> 10.0.69.XXX comms.

My home network is on the subnet 10.0.69.XXX, while the VPN connection gets the subnet 10.0.66.XXX.

Weirdly, this setup worked fine until yesterday for the PS Remote Play app (hard requirement, iOS device). Nothing changed as far as I can tell - but yesterday the PS4 stopped being found by the PS Remote Play app (when I’m home on the 10.0.69.XXX subnet, the PS Remote Play app works fine).

I suspect from what I can google ( https://www.snbforums.com/threads/ps4-remote-play-over-vpn.60629/ , https://github.com/williampiat3/ImprovingPSRemotePlay#longer-and-more-complex-solution ) that to make it seem to the PS Remote Play app that all is well abs. 100% I need to get my device on to do a broadcast search on the 10.0.69.XXX subnet (or have a 10.0.69.XXX address).

I feel (hope) there is a way to do this, but I am no iptables wizard. Does anyone know how to accomplish this? The solutions linked don’t make sense to me in a practical way to apply them.

  • @[email protected]OP
    1 year ago

    Who knows indeed, I’m beginning to suspect that it was able to connect via the internet (and that stopped working) and I just never noticed so the VPN was a superfluous extra step.

    But I did try in the [Peer] definition setting the allowed IPs to: instead of, which should expand the allowed range to 10.0.69.XXX. Alas, that did not work.

    Edit: Also tried assigning the [Peer] to an unused IP in the 10.0.69.XXX range directly, but that made nothing work so not the way either.

    • cooljimy84
      31 year ago

      Both devices need the same subnet mask, otherwise only one can see the “extra addresses” but in my opnsense I think I and to add some firewall router between LAN & WG0

      • @[email protected]OP
        21 year ago

        Setting the WG [Interface] range to, along with the [Peer] to, and the Opnsense DHCP range in Interfaces->LAN to /16 made no connection to the internet or local occur.

        This feels like banging rocks together hoping for fire - not for me (but maybe reading stuff for a bit will help, maybe)