A viral TikTok account is doxing ordinary and otherwise anonymous people on the internet using off-the-shelf facial recognition technology, creating content and growing a following by taking advantage of a fundamental new truth: privacy is now essentially dead in public spaces.

  • @muntedcrocodile
    248 months ago

    So when the FBI does it its all part of the plan but when some guy on the internet does it everyone loses there shit

    • Nate
      58 months ago

      But when the FBI scans my face I know they have the best intentions /s

      But seriously, this could be dangerous for a lot of people. Imagine someone’s stalker having a hold on some of this information?

      • @muntedcrocodile
        48 months ago

        That’s a great concern we should make it so all content is scanned by the government to ensure nobody can do anything bad. Think of the children.