President Joe Biden is set to join members of the United Auto Workers union Tuesday in Wayne County, Michigan, walking the picket line on the eve of a visit from former President Donald Trump.

The trip comes as Biden faces consistently low polling numbers on his handling of economic issues, and, back in Washington, the looming threat of a government shutdown this week. Both a prolonged strike and a shutdown could have economic consequences – something the White House is seeking to avoid as Biden tries to convince voters his economic policies are working. He’s also appearing in the battleground state of Michigan just one day before his chief political rival – whom he defeated in the 2020 presidential election – comes to the crucial swing state to make his own appeal to union workers.

Trump, the front-runner in the GOP presidential primary race, is scheduled to skip the second Republican debate to deliver a prime-time speech to an audience of current and former union members, including from the UAW, in Detroit on Wednesday. Trump has slammed the president for the visit, claiming Biden “had no intention” of walking the picket line until Trump said he would make a speech in Michigan.

  • @Hazdaz
    109 months ago

    Shame that so many on the picket line are MAGAts. Democrats are helping a group who’s members have fallen for Trump.

    • Sorchist
      479 months ago

      That’s the right thing to do. Help people who need help.

      “I’m gonna only help people who support me, if you don’t support me I’ll fuck you over” is a Trump way to think.

    • Kichae
      9 months ago

      They need to be won back over, and the way you do that is basically the same way Trump did in the first place: by making them feel seen, supported, and important.

      • The Pantser
        19 months ago

        And lies, don’t forget the lies

        • StarServal
          59 months ago

          And a constant 24/7 opinion news cycle telling them what the party wants them to hear.

      • @Hazdaz
        -139 months ago

        I don’t totally disagree with this, but you don’t flip people with a single gesture. Dems have been out wasting their time for years now on fringe groups who represent a few percentage points when it comes to our total population, all while the masses have felt neglected. When is this going to change? You don’t win elections by pandering to teeny, tiny minority groups. You win elections by listening and communicating with those groups that should be representing your core Base.

        • @Soup
          69 months ago

          You say that but non-hispanic white people make up “only” 60% of the population, and many of those people think that conservativism is insane and also want to support the remaining 40%. Almost any LGBT+ white people will be on that side as well.

          That also begs the question that with nearly half the country being visible minorities and huge chunks of the majority being other forms of minority what do you mean by “those groups that should be representing your core base”?

          I’ll also agree that a party’s core base should be broader than “just enough to win” and there’s no reason that salt-of-the-earth labourers and such can’t be taken care of too, especially since there’s a fair amount of overlap.

        • @[email protected]
          -59 months ago

          I think they hope that the pandering endears the majority of decent people to their cause. Unfortunately, the majority of people aren’t decent, substantially lack the ability to empathize, and are struggling just as much as the minority groups Dems elevate. It’s shitty identity politics and I understand why a large group of “out of touch” blue collar workers got tired of it. It’s not just they who are out of touch, and it’s certainly not them trying to win national elections.

          • @Hazdaz
            -69 months ago

            It is totally not surprising that the Lemmings here have downvoted your comment since they are some of the people who have been bamboozled the most in this identity politics bullshit. The Dems need to stick to the economy and just about nothing else. A strong economy fixes almost everything else. Enough with this pronoun garbage. Enough with being race-baited endlessly. Enough with fringe groups who couldn’t swing a school board meeting election, let alone the race to the White House.

    • @Son_of_dad
      149 months ago

      I’m a union worker and I am dismayed when I go to Union BBQs or gatherings, and the local conservative politician is there shaking hands, and half the workers want to vote for him. Meanwhile that same conservative politician is openly anti Union. The amount of union workers who vote for anti Union conservatives is crazy

      • @Hazdaz
        49 months ago

        It doesn’t help that the local Democrat that represents that region (or whats to, at least) doesn’t even show up to these union cookouts. That only helps perpetuate the idea that Democrats live in ivory towers and aren’t connected to average Joes.

    • Neato
      9 months ago

      Shame that so many on the picket line are MAGAts.

      That’s wild. Don’t they know unions and organized labor is socialism?! /s

      But really I’m surprised there are many Republicans and Trumpers who are unionized. I guess they don’t actually care about their supposed principles if their welfare is on the line.

      • @Soup
        49 months ago

        They never have. Ayn Rand was on welfare for crying out loud.

      • IninewCrow
        39 months ago

        They are socially minded as far as their job, their safety and their rights as workers go … when they go home, everything is to the right and far right.

        Just about every manual labourer I’ve ever known was a conservative at heart and I know several blue collar workers that are far right.

        They’ll fight the social fight for their group … they won’t do the same for anyone else.

    • IninewCrow
      39 months ago

      I’m an NDP party supporter in Ontario in Canada. The New Democratic Party here is the left leaning party in Canada. It’s the third major party here with the Liberals to the right of us and the Conservatives to the right of the Liberals.

      Just because we have a left leaning party doesn’t mean that everyone supports it. It’s a freaking weird discovery when you dig into party loyalties and where individual members lay their priorities.

      The average manual labourer and blue collar worker will fight tooth and nail for workers rights, their jobs, their rights and their safety and well being. They’ll throw their organizational support to the NDP to defend those rights.

      But when it comes to voting as individual people … the majority of them are conservatives at heart.

      It’s a sobering thought … as a group they’re social liberals … but as individuals they are conservatives.

      I’ve been to NDP party conventions where I was warned about this. Just because a group of people support your party for one reason, it doesn’t mean it’s members support everything you stand for.

      It’s the main reason why socially minded parties don’t get ahead … they are supported by single issue groups that don’t vote and only advocate for a cause … and the individual members are easily swayed to vote for the parties they are fighting against.

      It’s freaking weird.

      • @Hazdaz
        -59 months ago

        Walk down the aisle of most union manufacturing facilities in the US, and you will see Trump sticker after Trump sticker after Trump sticker on people’s toolboxes. In a Union shop. This would have been unheard of a generation ago. Their Union representatives talk the big talk about supporting Democrats, but the rank-and-file union members go team Traitor. So pardon me while I have little support for all the union discussions in recent years because ultimately Democrats are fighting the good fight only to end up helping people who will vote these same Democrats out of office. And then don’t even get me started on Police unions. The clowns in here and claim all they want that police unions aRe DiFfErEnT, but in the end, they really aren’t. Police unions serve the same purpose that regular unions do, and that is defend the rank-and-file at all costs and that means keeping the bad apples from being fired.