Unity May Never Win Back the Developers It Lost in Its Fee Debacle::Even though the company behind the wildly popular game engine walked back its controversial new fee policy, the damage is done.

  • @MeanEYE
    41 year ago

    Am not sure why anyone would stay with them at this point. Even if they have a huge project which is massively popular, they have every reason to move away from them since they wanted to apply those changes retroactively. Imagine if they came up with half a million in fees years after your project has stopped selling and you have invested money into new project or elsewhere. Sure, it might be illegal to do so, but good luck fighting them in court.

    New projects I wouldn’t even think twice. They backpedaled on this occasion but their goal is clear and there was no guarantee they won’t try this kind of thing again which leads me to thinking it’s only a matter of time when they will try more sneakily to squeeze changes in.