Curiosity only.

Here in Brazil it’s very common to have several showers a day. I, for example, take two. The first is when I wake up, before I go to work, and the second is when I get home from work. I wake up at 6.30am and get home at 8pm.

edit: I said bath, but I meant shower.

  • @mholiv
    801 year ago

    That seems really intense to me. Even if you mean shower when you say bath I can’t imagine doing it twice a day. In the summer I normally shower once every two days. In the winter once every 3 days. I am located in northern Germany so it might be a culture difference.

      • lacarsiOP
        421 year ago

        Your comment is important. Many people from tropical climates think that people who don’t take many showers a day are unhygienic. Just as many people from colder climates think that people who shower a lot are crazy.

      • @[email protected]
        131 year ago

        I live in a mountain town, and I still shower every day when I get home from work. I am an electrician and tend to get pretty dirty throughout the day, and at minimum need to clean my feet so my boots don’t develop stank. I may forgo a shower on Sunday if I’ve spent the day on the couch or being lazy around the house, but if I’ve had any form of physical activity, shower.

      • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
        41 year ago

        Pretty much. I’m in Texas. During the winter, every two or three days is fine. As long as I’m not doing anything to get dirty, it just isn’t needed. Excess showers will just dry my skin out, and washing my hands/feet/face is enough for daily maintenance.

        But during the summer, all bets are off. Shower in the morning because the AC in apartments struggles to keep the bedroom cool and I woke up in a pool of sweat. Then sweat heavily on the way to the car, at lunch, on the way home from work, and again when taking the dog for a walk. Of course I need another shower by bedtime.

    • @[email protected]
      221 year ago

      In the US daily is pretty standard, I’ll maybe do two depending on exercise or working outside

    • lacarsiOP
      31 year ago

      Yes, the actual difference doesn’t concern the climate, whether it’s cold or hot, it’s simply cultural. In Germany, is it common for all Germans to adopt the same bathing posture or does it depend on the region?

      • @mholiv
        41 year ago

        I think it is the same across all of Germany. I think it might be similar for most of Northern Europe if I had to guess.

        • @Skaryon
          171 year ago

          Excuse me what? I’m German and I shower daily. I know nobody who doesn’t.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              Belgian here. We are known to be average at best. Hope you be better soon. I used to bathe 3 to 4 times a week. Quick showers actually. I started making it cleansing ritual after coming home from work. It became something that made me mentally better. Some music, a podcast, whatever works for you, and a bit of me-time. One time a week is ok when it’s cold outside but I can imagine that people notice in summertime. They do, even if they don’t tell you. Physical care is personal care and reflects on your metal health.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        It mainly depends on the season. Southern Germany may have more sun hours and slightly warmer climate, but not enough to take effect on the showering schedule. Some people shower every day nevermind the weather, but I would say every 2-3 days is standard. In summer or after workout it may be everyday or even twice, but nothing comparable to brazilian climate. Of course people have jobs where they get dirty, but that’s another topic.