Whether consciously or subconsciously instigated. By ordinary citizens, authority figures, shop workers, bus drivers, or really anyone for that matter

    • OurTragicUniverse
      1 year ago

      Not everyone who disagrees with you is a paid troll or boot, nor is it an act of psychological warfare to tell you you’re a dangerous idiot.

      I recognise your username. Yesterday you were trying to persuade people to organise armed raids on US police stations and to kidnap and murder judges.

        • OurTragicUniverse
          1 year ago

          I’m not a dude. There was no forum sliding, it was a bunch of comments under an article. And I didn’t get mad, I just pointed out you were being incredibly suspicious.

          You got very mad at me though, you wrote a long ass angry rant projecting all your mental illness on me and assumed a bunch of dumb shit to rile yourself up even more.

          I’m blocking you now. Enjoy your armed raids and mass murder sprees.