Curiosity only.

Here in Brazil it’s very common to have several showers a day. I, for example, take two. The first is when I wake up, before I go to work, and the second is when I get home from work. I wake up at 6.30am and get home at 8pm.

edit: I said bath, but I meant shower.

  • cobysev
    1 year ago

    US here. I can’t remember the last time I had a bath. I’m very tall, so I don’t fit into tubs easily. My dream is to add a giant whirlpool tub to my home, so I can actually lounge and stretch out in the tub.

    As far as showers go (which was OP’s original intent), I shower once a day, when I first wake up. My body produces natural oils faster than most people, so I need a daily shower to keep them at bay. I feel really gross if I skip a day.

    My wife, on the other hand, showers once every other day. She says her skin and hair dry out when she showers daily, so she needs the break. She gets split ends in her hair easily.

    We’re actually both retired at the moment, so we don’t have to get up and go anywhere first thing in the morning. So I need to remind my wife to shower every few days. If not, she’ll easily go 3-4 days without it, and then she becomes a “swamp monster.” (Her words, not mine)