I am theoretically switching over from Reddit to Lemmy. Finding myself spending more time on Lemmy than on Reddit. Maybe it’s because I am limited to using the desktop and can’t aimlessly browse Reddit on my iPhone. Of late, the only subreddits I cared for were on sports and their matchday threads and r/watches. I found myself aimlessly browsing through r/AskReddit and asking and answering pointless questions.

  • @zeppo
    21 year ago

    i still rarely run into anyone that has even heard of reddit, or will admit to it.

    • TheSaneWriter
      11 year ago

      I’ve found that there is a decent number of people that have heard of it but think it’s for nerds and virgins

      • @zeppo
        11 year ago

        Redditors has long had that reputation among people themselves, in a self-deprecating way. I suppose Reddit users on average are more intellectual and introverted than the typical person on social media like Instagram.