Currently notifications aren’t supported on mobile, and also you won’t get notifications if you don’t have a perchance comments section open somewhere on your computer. It doesn’t matter which comments section you have open (i.e. it can be on any generator/page, regardless of which particular comments boxes that you’ve subscribed to), but it needs to be visible somewhere.

Also, some browsers will “hibernate” a tab that is backgrounded/inactive which will pause the notification script, so it’s best to pull the browser tab out into its own browser window so that the tab is deemed “active”/visible by your browser - that way it won’t “hibernate” the tab.

So, with the above caveats, you now have a crude way to get notified if someone comments on your generators! Or when people are active at your favorite hang out spot, etc. The caveats are annoying, but it’s the first step! Please give feedback if there are any issues - I may not be able to fix them, or at least may not be able to fix them right away, but it’ll be helpful to hear about the most annoying issues so I can plan future improvements here.

  • @perchanceOPM
    21 year ago

    Good feedback! Just added channelLabel = blah so you can change what the channel is “called” (for the purpose of notifications, and potentially other stuff in the future) without changing the actual channel. You might need to refresh all perchance tabs that you have open to get it working (since any one of them that has a comments section open could be currently “handling” notifications).

    Also, unrelated, but today I made a change which makes it so you can only get notifications for a channel if you’ve actually visited that channel at least once. This ensures that e.g. if someone has a secret channel on their generator (where e.g. someone types a secret channel name into an input box, and then it dynamically loads up a comments box with for that channel), then people can’t “spy” on that channel by simply enabling notifications. With the original design if you just used ‘*’ then you’d get notifications from all channels on that generator.

    And I also added a feature where you can write e.g. ‘bob~>general’ to get notified whenever someone mentions ‘bob’ in a message that is sent to the ‘general’ channel. Note that you need to use the actual channel name, not the label. The currently-viewed channel name is shown in the prompt/popup. And you can of course add multiple rules like ‘bob>general|bobby>general’. The reason I added this is because it’s handy to e.g. get all notifications for certain channels, like the ‘feedback’ channel (in case I accidentally introduced a bug in latest update of a gen), whereas the ‘general’ channel maybe is too flooded with messages for me to want to get notifications on every message.

    This notification stuff has pretty bad UX lol, but it’ll do for now.

    • VioneTM
      21 year ago

      Thanks again!!