There was an article earlier about people smoking crack if they thing Trump is up 10 points.

Well…he’s up 10 points. The Democrats need to do something fairly drastic soon if they want to win 24.

  • @jocanib
    11 year ago

    This is so scarily reminiscent of Dem complacency in 2016. Learn from history lest you be doomed to repeat it. Please.

    • @kescusay
      21 year ago

      I’m not suggesting or supporting complacency. We do not have this in the bag, and we had damn well better be prepared to fight every step of the way, because progress is an existential threat to these assholes.

      I’m just suggesting that we don’t get cynical and apathetic, either. We can and will win if we don’t give up, but cynicism and apathy are just as much the enemy as complacency.

      • @jocanib
        -11 year ago

        Your entire post is supporting complacency.

        • @kescusay
          11 year ago

          No it wasn’t, it was fighting misinformation (the article in question had been specifically about young voters, not the overall electorate), and against ridiculous dooming. We have no reason to lose hope right now or declare the election over more than year before it even happens.

          • @jocanib
            21 year ago

            I’m not telling you to lose hope. I’m asking people to avoid the same lazy complacency that handed Trump the presidency in 2016. Trump fans will vote. Dems have got to get the turnout to beat them.

            • @kescusay
              21 year ago

              Well, then you and I are in 100% agreement, and I’m sorry if my attempt to counter a doom-filled narrative came off as complacency. It wasn’t my intent in the slightest.