I’m not from California, so I don’t know much about her; but this genuinely surprised me, especially how vicious and vitriolic the comments were. What’s going on there?

  • @[email protected]
    481 year ago

    our Overton window has gotten shoved so far right that anything vaguely to the left of center is viewed as “far left” (conservatives are even happy to shove center-right in with “far left”)

      • @[email protected]
        121 year ago

        Overton window – not the actual politics shifting so much as our view of those politics has shifted – instead of sitting over a centrist position keeping both left-wing and right-wing in view, the American window is positioned over right-wing bringing far-right into the perception of being acceptable and moving left-wing into the perception of being extremist

      • @BURN
        61 year ago

        On a global Geopolitical scale our(American) Left/Right perceptions have moved gradually right. What we consider the moderate right is closer to the far right in most other places. The same happens on the left. Our moderate left politicians are closer to the center of the scale, and the far left is more akin to liberal parties in other places.

        The American scale has always been skewed this way, it’s not necessarily that it happened in the last 10-15 years, more that from the start it was shifted.