I’m not from California, so I don’t know much about her; but this genuinely surprised me, especially how vicious and vitriolic the comments were. What’s going on there?

  • @[email protected]
    -2131 year ago

    Also Lemmy has definitely been having more right wing trolls recently and it’s making me want to use the platform less.

    God forbid your echo chamber get tainted 🙄

    • @BURN
      1571 year ago

      I’m not interested in seeing blatant hate, homophobia, transphobia, sexism and racism.

      There’s no such thing as a right wing voter with any common sense anymore. None have any arguments other than being allowed to hate.

      • @[email protected]
        71 year ago

        Keep in mind that some people on here are from outside the US where there still might be decent democratic center-right movements

      • @[email protected]
        -1541 year ago

        I’m not interested in seeing blatant hate, homophobia, transphobia, sexism and racism.

        It’s this kind of petulant behavior right here. Calling everyone you don’t like a nazi just gets you ignored.

        • @BURN
          1461 year ago

          I didn’t call anyone a nazi. You did. I just listed a list of reprehensible behaviors and you felt attacked

          • @[email protected]
            -461 year ago

            I didn’t feel attacked at all? I’m not a right winger at all, just pointing out that your extremist language helps nobody.

            • @BURN
              341 year ago

              There’s no extremist language at all. It’s a simple statement of facts.

              The right wing of American politics explicitly supports racism, sexism, homophobia and transphobia.

              The fact that you got triggered and ran to “nazis” shows a lot more about you.

              • @[email protected]
                -281 year ago

                Sir, you can drop the personal attacks, I already said I’m not a rightoid or anywhere near there.

                I have a personal friend, grew up on a cattle ranch, best friend was a black kid that worked with him. He voted republican all the time because he (wrongly) thought they represented his way of life.

                Some loser like you comes along and calls him a racist, sexist, homophobe, transphobe, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam does absolutely nothing but undo years of work trying to drag him to the light. You’re acting as ignorant as he is.

                • @BURN
                  1 year ago

                  “I can’t be racist, I have a black friend”

                  At this point anyone who still willingly voted for the Republican Party is explicitly endorsing those ideals. Ignorance is not an excuse. If you vote for American republicans you’re outwardly and explicitly condoning those behaviors.

                  It’s not my job to make them feel comfortable. If they support those policies they’re not worth the breath it would take to try to explain it.

                  Let me repeat it. Ignorance is not an excuse.

                  Also the only one resorting to personal attacks is you

                  • @Deftdrummer
                    1 year ago

                    Do you get offended when people don’t appreciate queer culture and exposing children to sexually charged drag shows?

                    Do you get offended when the Democratic party is cast as only pandering to minorities to get their vote?

                    Do you feel like you also shouldn’t own a gun?

                    Let’s try some generalizations since you can’t be hurt by them.

                    If you’re not queer you shouldn’t be offended.

                  • @BURN
                    181 year ago

                    The fact that they’re taking my broad generalizations about the Republican Party as personal attacks is very telling

                • @[email protected]
                  161 year ago

                  Oh man that’s honestly the funniest thing I’ve seen all day lol

                  “racism, sexism, and homophobia are bad”

                  “whoa whoa whoa man, cool it with the personal attacks”

                  Talk about telling on yourself lol

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              You: I’m not a right winger at all

              Also you: Folks, never vote democrat

              Given that we (unfortunately) exist in a two party system, it’s either one or the other bud, and I think we all know which answer is actually true to your beliefs lol

              And before you respond with “I was just mocking the guy above me”. The fact that your whole post history is mocking democrats, and never Republicans says all you need to know lol

              • @[email protected]
                -131 year ago

                I mean, there’s not a lot of repubs to engage with on this platform. But you’re right, we exist in a two party system and both parties are too far right for me to vote for either.

                Doesn’t stop me from calling out conservatives that vindicate themselves by voting D.

            • @[email protected]
              461 year ago

              They weren’t making a point, they were parroting a cliche that they’ve used so many times before, that they don’t even wait for the proper context before reusing it again.

        • @theluckyone
          481 year ago

          Calling yourself a Nazi is fairly effective at getting you ignored, however.

        • @CADmonkey
          471 year ago

          God damn you people are stupid. You dont even have an argument, you’re just crying that someone doesnt like racists.

        • @[email protected]
          -491 year ago

          As someone who leans left and hates the GOP, you’re absolutely right. Lemmy is an echochamber full of a lot of nonsense that limits it’s potential and just causes more division and problems.

          • @[email protected]
            281 year ago
            • “How do you do, fellow kids?”
            • “I’m a black gay guy and I can personally say that Obama did nothing for me”
            • @[email protected]
              -131 year ago

              So your response to a reasonable statement about this being an echochamber is a strawman attack against me… ok.

    • @GeneralVincent
      761 year ago

      Tainted is a good word for when right wingers join the conversation, thank you

      • @Delusional
        101 year ago

        Just like what they did with the US govt.

    • blazera
      361 year ago

      I remember when i got banned from r/conservative for asking for a source for a claim.

      • @BURN
        311 year ago

        Don’t you know, proof is optional for the republicans?

        They’re trying to impeach without proof, they’ve lied through their teeth every single day they’ve been in office. Proof doesn’t matter, and despite their favorite saying being “facts don’t care about your feelings” they don’t need facts

        • @[email protected]
          201 year ago

          Actually their belief in inversely proportional to proof. The more proof you have, the less they believe it. The less proof you have, the more you believe it.

      • skulblaka
        171 year ago

        I got banned from there for posting a verbatim Trump tweet with no words of my own included. Never seen a bigger group of melting snowflakes in my life than the “facts don’t care about your feelings” crowd.

        • @Deftdrummer
          1 year ago

          Oh and like it was any different going into r/politics ya joker. Preach to your crowd, you’re still surrounded by groupthink in your safe space don’t worry.

    • Monkey With A Shell
      331 year ago

      There’s a difference between discussion with differing opinions and simple trolling to rile people up. Posting things as though they are settled fact without willingness to be argued against is bad faith trolling. We should ban/exterminate X class of people is also trolling since it puts an impossibly wide brush to a group based on some singular characteristic.

        • Monkey With A Shell
          1 year ago

          Edit: I may have confused this with another asking about finding ‘correct non-MSM sources’ and posting stories about ‘vaccine bad’ and ‘masks cause brain damage’, but I’ll leave it in case those are still up elsewhere and say if I did mix it up then mea-culpa.

          Edit edit: Yeah, growling at the wrong person. Meant for this one https://lemmy.today/post/1533120

          I’m willing to take the notion that there’s an honest intent. The major problem I would see is that in looking for ‘non MSM’ sources isn’t in looking for alternative views, it’s in looking for a confirmation bias fulfilling source. Scientific reporting becomes ‘mainstream’ through a consensus on facts pushing the reported version to the front page.

          You would be hard pressed to find someplace that says asbestos, lead paint, and cigarettes are good and healthy things for anyone, but I’m sure if you look really hard some ‘non-MSM’ source would put together a story of why they in fact make for a fine breakfast cereal. Things such as one of the first posts you made regarding ‘masks kill brain cells’ fall into the same category. Somebody with a personal ax to grind will inevitably find reason to claim they are bad, but the overwhelming normalization of their use in medical facilities by people far more knowledgeable than you or I, very well educated people who’s very profession is to study these things, makes any such claims as you made sit out in the lunatic fringe side of conversations.

          Unfortunately, there are a good number of people out there gullible enough to be baited by such things, for example see the whole ‘QAnon’ fiasco, and putting such things out there is a net bad for society. Social media for all it’s uses also allows followers of absurd theories to reinforce each other’s beliefs where previously such things would be left to die in darkness.