I’m not from California, so I don’t know much about her; but this genuinely surprised me, especially how vicious and vitriolic the comments were. What’s going on there?

  • RedEye FlightControl
    431 year ago

    Not just mean. Dismissive, rude, condescending. It is disgusting that a politician can do this to a bunch of kids looking to brighten their future. Disgusting. You could just see the hope disappear from those kids’ eyes.

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      Seriously, all she had to do was make a bunch of supportive noises, pose for some pictures and then have her staff usher them out - she went out of her way to shit all over those kids and the adults/teens that were with them, with her only real argument being “fuck you - I’m a politician, i don’t have to do shit you say”