Performing Nazi salutes has been illegal in Germany and Austria since the end of World War II and is punishable by law with prison time.

  • themeatbridge
    -58 months ago

    Not for nothing, but it could also be tourists. Not defending nazis, because I would argue that being drunk lowers inhibitions, but it doesn’t make you a nazi.

    • ValiantDust
      88 months ago

      Yes, tourists sometimes think it would be funny. But this did not happen at the Oktoberfest in Munich. It was an Oktoberfest in a village in Saxony with about 2500 inhabitants (actually a collection of several villages). I would bet the chances of tourists being present are very close to zero.

      • themeatbridge
        38 months ago

        Some people visit Saxony. Cool castles, Dresden… yeah Ok probably not tourists.

      • themeatbridge
        28 months ago

        Right, but we’re talking about the people in this photo. Germans and Austrians know not to make nazi salutes because you could face legal repercussions. That’s a weird concept for Americans, though. I kind of wish we did jail more nazis, but that’s besides the point.