I went through my late teens as the initial smart phone boom was happening. I had a Motorola q that could get TV channels and had a keyboard. I had the enV that flipped open. And many androids/blackberries that I loved for their unique form factor and functionality.
I have never balked at spending money on a phone and for a long time i felt locked into generic flagship devices. With the debut of folding screens I feel like my appetite for unique devices rekindled. I think the power of android lies in its diversity of implementation.
So what features and functionalities would you choose over the next flagship release?
Rooting is easy if the phone manufacturer allows unlocking the bootloader (99% of phones)
Just a bit hard when there are no tutorials online. Use magisk for rooting, most apps assume it is how you rooted tour phone and don’t work properly any other way (its also the only method that works on newer phones)
Not anymore