• @flossdaily
    9 months ago

    Sure, faith in the Supreme Court is down, but that’s only because the court is dominated by judges who were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote and didn’t represent the values of the majority of Americans.

    … Well, that and the fact that the conservative justices on the court openly lied about their positions on important issues.

    … Or is it just that many of us are still pretty fucking outraged that they stepped in and gave the presidency to George W. Bush, who lost both the popular vote, and would have lost the electoral college vote, too under ANY AND ALL of the proposed ballot counting measures in Florida, had the court actually… You know… Not forbidden them from counting them.

    … Of course it might also be a little bit about the fact that Republicans rigged the judicial appointment system to block a Democratic nominee a year from the end of Obama’s term on the grounds that it was too close to an election, and rushed Trump’s nominee mere weeks from an election, in the most nakedly hypocritical moment in Senate history.

    …Then again, maybe it’s just because the conservatives on this court have turned the court from an institution that protects the citizens and safeguards rights into an institution which strips rights away.

    … Or perhaps it’s just that they’ve thrown away any attempt to even pretend to be a serious judicial institution when they did away with the entire doctrine of standing when it suited their ideological purposes.

    … Or maybe it’s their use of the Shadow Docket to massively alter the laws of the land with quick, secret rulings with little deliberation or explanation, and which they don’t even sign their name to.

    Or, maybe it’s just the tiny, tiny issue that they have been caught red-handed taking bribes in exchange for their votes.

    Or, no… Could it be that AFTER being caught doing this, they have absolutely refused to step down, and refused to regulate themselves in any way, and ludicrously declared that even Congress can’t regulate them?

    Any of those things?

    • @fubo
      9 months ago

      How about the appointment of an unreformed rapist and drug abuser who demonstrated his utter lack of capacity for judicial temperament during his confirmation hearings? Red-faced shrieking is a bad look for a judge.

      To the true-believer Trumpies, of course, Kavanaugh’s status as a rapist is a plus, as it demonstrates the attitude that he brings to cases involving women and sexual minorities.

      • @chiliedogg
        249 months ago

        The craziest thing about Kavenaugh is that he’s a better Justice than several of his conservative peers.