If I HAD to use one, which one would be better? While Whatsapp is owned by Facebook, they have end to end encryption for the messages, while the metadata is not. However, on Telegram, nothing is end to end encrypted unless you use a secret chat which most regular people are most likely not going to use. I have a feeling Whatsapp would be better but I wanted to hear your thoughts.

  • @[email protected]
    62 years ago

    I would use Telegram, even if there was no E2EE because the WhatsApp app collects more data. The Telegram app privacy section in the App Store says that it only collects data for “App Functionality”, while WhatsApp collects more data and uses it for ads, tracking, and “other purposes”. That said, both of these apps are bad and I would not send anything sensitive using them. With how bad Facebook is, I would not be surprised if WhatsApp had a backdoor. Even iMessage or RCS would be better than these apps (but of course Signal is the best).

    • @[email protected]OP
      42 years ago

      if only Apple was willing to support RCS instead of shitty SMS there would be a cross platform service but until then (probably never knowing Apple) we have to rely on third party apps.