The congresswoman quipped that in attempting to avert a shutdown Republicans were “run[ning] around the House like a Roomba, until they found a door that House Democrats opened”

  • @Wrench
    311 year ago

    I mean, look at Beobert. A scandal that big, on video, would have resulted in an instant resignation 20 years ago. But she’s so vile that everyone just shrugs and moves on, because it’s not even surprising, just funny.

    • Raging LibTarg
      191 year ago

      This is so true I didn’t even realize how fucking upside down the whole thing is until reading your comment. It didn’t even occur to me the idea of her resignation over Beetlegate because the idea of her doing so is just outside the realm of reality. It’s just “oh sorry, I let my morals lapse there for a bit, my bad!” and no one bats an eye.

      This is fucking crazy! This is from the party of “gotta protect the kids”, just groping and fondling at a family event!

      What the fuck.