Conservative activist Christopher Rufo, who is a close ally of Florida governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, hosted a social media debate in which one participant argued that conservatives should cooperate with a hypothetical white nationalist dictator “in order to destroy the power of the left”.

Rufo, a Manhattan Institute fellow who has been a hugely influential figure in DeSantis’ culture war policies in Florida, did not disagree with the sentiments. Instead he commended speakers for their “thoughtful points” and presenting the discussion as a model fo

  • TechyDad
    39 months ago

    If you want a white nationalist dictator to run America, then you are an enemy of democracy and America. I’d encourage anyone who really wants that over electing leaders to just move to Russia.

    Then again, I’ll admit my own bias. A white nationalist dictator would surely come after me because white nationalists tend to hate Jews. An America run by a white nationalist dictator is an America I’d need to flee. The fact that one of the two major parties seems to think that this is totally reasonable is scary.

    • @CADmonkey
      19 months ago

      They wouldn’t come after me* but I don’t care. I don’t want them coming after anyone, because everyone deserves to live in safety, not fearing a knock at the door.

      *At first

      • TechyDad
        29 months ago

        That “at first” is a very important qualifier. Even if the white supremacists got their fondest wish and kicked anyone out that wasn’t “white enough,” they wouldn’t be satisfied. They’d simply redefine what was “white enough.” If you didn’t meet their latest metric - even if you were a die hard white supremacist - you’d find yourself targeted.

        “Us vs Them” mentalities don’t just stop when “Them” is gone.

        • @CADmonkey
          19 months ago

          There is always another “them”.