Seriously, I love this series so much. The Audiobooks are amazing.

  • @DelphiaOP
    1 year ago

    Aliens are going to strip mine earth, but to give the illusion of fairness those who survive the initial collection are given a choice, live on the surface knocked effectively back to the stone age or enter into an 18 floor dungeon that is effectively the galaxies largest game show.

    The game is serious, the deaths are real and grusome. In the interest of fairness theres an AI controlling the game and the crawlers can change race, choose classes, level and gather loot and power as the dungeon goes on, but the game is rigged. Nobody has ever survived beyond the 13th floor.

    This season with infighting between the alien governments, the AI slowly going a little batshit insane and one particularly determined crawler and his (now sapient) ex girlfriends cat. Who knows?

      • @DelphiaOP
        51 year ago

        Not really.

        Think Squid Game meets Diablo made by reality tv producers doing way too much coke.

        • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
          -41 year ago

          Aliens strip mining earth: tick.

          Humans on the outside living without tech: tick.

          Humans on the inside slaves without hope: tick.

          One human going to make a difference: tick.

          B grade at best: tick.