Joe Biden worries that the “extreme” US supreme court, dominated by rightwing justices, cannot be relied upon to uphold the rule of law.

“I worry,” the president told ProPublica in interview published on Sunday. “Because I know that if the other team, the Maga Republicans, win, they don’t want to uphold the rule of law.”

“Maga” is shorthand for “Make America great again”, Donald Trump’s campaign slogan. Trump faces 91 criminal charges and assorted civil threats but nonetheless dominates Republican polling for the nomination to face Biden in a presidential rematch next year.

In four years in the White House, Trump nominated and saw installed three conservative justices, tilting the court 6-3 to the right. That court has delivered significant victories for conservatives, including the removal of the right to abortion and major rulings on gun control, affirmative action and other issues.

The new court term, which starts on Tuesday, could see further such rulings on matters including government environmental and financial regulation.

  • @Clent
    31 year ago

    Not anymore. They are just making shit up now. The check is congress impeaching them. That will not happen if enough people demand it.

    It’ll never happen as long as republicans control either half of congress. People have been sounding the alarm on their power grabs for decades and only now are some people starting to listen.

    I expect the American experiment to fail in my lifetime.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      I’m not sure that I see the American Collapse happening in my lifetime as a certainty, but I would agree that it’s a very strong possibility if we don’t get our shit together pretty fucking quick.

      • @Clent
        81 year ago

        It’s won’t collapse. We’ll become another authoritarian state.

        It’ll be isolationist so only Mexico should be worried.

        • @[email protected]
          21 year ago

          Yeah if we go that route, I absolutely expect some Christian Nationalist administration to decide that it’s time to take over Mexico, which to be clear is an apocalyptically stupid idea.

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            I bet the MAGA base would love the idea of taking over Mexico.

            • The American boys in blue get to gun down the cartels, as well as the convoys of people who are obviously poor brown terrorists

            • We could save a lot of money on a really sweet wall if we use the southern part of Mexico as a choke point

            • Travel more of the world while never leaving the US

            • Think of the travel, resort, and real estate opportunities!

          • @phx
            11 year ago

            Why the fuck would they want Mexico? I think Canada probably has more to worry about, especially as water becomes more scarce

          • TechyDad
            11 year ago

            Some of the MAGA folks are already saying that we should bomb/invade Mexico to stop the drug cartels and immigrants. Of course, they hand-wave how horrible a war would be. They assume that Mexico would thank the US for such a great bombing and ask for more. Because MAGA.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              For anyone who was downvoting the above comment: It’s absolutely a real thing that Republicans have been talking about for a while now.

              This should concern you. Only a complete imbecile would think that conducting unilateral military action against Mexico is a good idea. We would rightly be cast in the same light as Russia vis a vis Ukraine. We would destroy any remaining semblance of geopolitical soft power we still have. We would be unambiguously turning away from even trying to be the “good guys”. We would be global pariahs, just like Russia is now, and we would deserve it.