Joe Biden worries that the “extreme” US supreme court, dominated by rightwing justices, cannot be relied upon to uphold the rule of law.

“I worry,” the president told ProPublica in interview published on Sunday. “Because I know that if the other team, the Maga Republicans, win, they don’t want to uphold the rule of law.”

“Maga” is shorthand for “Make America great again”, Donald Trump’s campaign slogan. Trump faces 91 criminal charges and assorted civil threats but nonetheless dominates Republican polling for the nomination to face Biden in a presidential rematch next year.

In four years in the White House, Trump nominated and saw installed three conservative justices, tilting the court 6-3 to the right. That court has delivered significant victories for conservatives, including the removal of the right to abortion and major rulings on gun control, affirmative action and other issues.

The new court term, which starts on Tuesday, could see further such rulings on matters including government environmental and financial regulation.

  • the post of tom joad
    1 year ago

    Tom and zach would both be embarrassed for you.

    Firstly for your cowardly sock-puppetry, secondly for not knowing that those lyrics reference an important steinbeck character.

    But cone. You have one more, right? One more name you use to pump upboats in your silly existence? Hurry and bring that one out to be clever as well

    • @[email protected]
      -11 year ago

      The irony of you calling someone cowardly. You didn’t name your account “Tom Joad”, you named it in reference to the song, which is explicitly a social protest song from people willing to actually do something rather than complain about being shamed. This isn’t quite Paul Ryan loving Rage while being the actual machine, but what a monumental lack of introspection.

      “Where there’s a fight 'gainst the blood and hatred in the air, look for me, mom, I’ll be there.”

      I don’t know what i hate more, being subjected to increasingly authoritarian christofascist rule in my country or having some punk looking down his nose at me and saying it’s my own fault.

      Clearly Tom and Zach would echo this sentiment. Authoritarianism or someone looking down their nose at your inaction, who’s to say which is worse?

      • the post of tom joad
        11 year ago

        How long did it take you to write this? I won’t be satisfied until i know you’ve wasted as much time thinking i might be worth your time as i did with you

        • @[email protected]
          -11 year ago

          LOL. Coming back and replying a second time as the person who already read and responded to a grandchild comment tangentially about them really screams “I’m not bothered”.

          • the post of tom joad
            01 year ago

            You’re actually right. Especially now that I’ve got 5 beers in me and can’t tell if you’re some new cunt whiteknighting for the punk i schooled, or if youre the same dumb cunt i taught a lesson to before.

            I’ve already wasted so much time giving a fuck about losers and low intellect arguments tonight. Frankly, i have to cede this win.

            You win.

            You win, you fucking monkeys.

            See ya tomorrow, you goddamn beautiful pieces of shit