• @CoggyMcFee
    1 year ago

    If the Democrats/Progressives take the low road to beat the Republicans at their own game, isn’t that just one team winning over another team? Whereas if you’re fighting for ideals then you’re going to end up taking the high road a lot

    • Alien Nathan Edward
      131 year ago

      The ideal I’m fighting for is not being labelled a child sex offender and executed by the government because of my rainbow lapel pin. I’m open to higher ideals but when one side says we need to be “eliminated” I’m probably gonna tolerate a lot from the people who are trying to stop them.

    • @samus12345
      1 year ago

      “Take the high road” in this case means “treat treasonous criminals with kid gloves because they’re supported by the GOP.” If everything had been done by the book, Trump would have been in prison a long time ago.

      • @CoggyMcFee
        1 year ago

        I was operating on a different interpretation of “taking the high road”. In the way you are describing it, I agree with you completely.

        • @samus12345
          31 year ago

          Yeah, the “high road” they refer to is an excuse to avoid upsetting the status quo, not an actual high road.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      The terrorists on the right need to be met - unfailingly - with unwavering resistance. And when they get violent, we have to stop them. That doesn’t mean making a press release saying “we condemn in the strongest possible terms blah blah…” That means rounding up the violent actors and locking them away from civilized society.

      Conservatives used to say that “tough on crime” should mean “tough on criminals.” Well when the GOP are criminals, the law needs to get touch on them.

      Currently they aren’t scared of anything, because most of the other violent people sympathize with them. If they are going to wreck our Capitol and dismantle our freedoms, it’s time for another Sherman’s March, and finish the work that we started in Reconstruction.

      They speak openly of killing the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. And anyone else they don’t like. They need to be scared of doing that, and we have to beat them to a pulp in order to make that happen - because that’s the only language that thugs understand.