• @Red_October
    81 year ago

    And if you can hit 8 creatures with a single fireball, then everyone involved is getting exactly what they deserve.

    Now see what a wizard has to do to do all that to a single target.

    • @AngryCommieKender
      1 year ago

      Katherine’s Unfailing Missiles.

      Level 9 spell. [Wiz]

      Components: S,V

      Casting time: Instantaneous

      Range: Medium (up to 200’)

      This spell functions as Magic Missile, but the caster gets 3 “lances” they can cast at a single target or up to 3 targets in a 30° cone. There is no saving throw. If the target is visible to the caster they are hit. Each lance does 17d6+1 points of damage evenly divided between Force damage, and Sonic Damage. (This will hit anything with at least half damage, as it’s basically impossible to be immune to both at the same time)

      This is the first 9th level spell that I created