Why YSK: The term “Genuine Leather” is a marketing term to sell the lowest quality leather possible.

When purchasing a leather product, look for full grain leather or top grain leather instead. These will provide a much higher quality cut of leather that will look and feel much better and last for much longer.

  • @queermunist
    1 year ago

    Don’t you see? By not draping ourselves in the flesh of dead animals we’re actually being disrespectful of their sacrifices!!! You don’t want animals to end up in landfills, do you?

    Bleh. There’s nothing worse than these preachy types who try to assuage their guilt by presenting their practices as ethical. At least carnists that don’t care about animals are honest with themselves

    • debased
      11 year ago

      agreed. do you know of any active vegan community on lemmy? the only ones i have found seem completely dead or average one post a week

      • @queermunist
        11 year ago

        Nope. I’ve mostly accepted that the only way some communities will ever exist is if someone becomes a dedicated poster and jumps off the cliff every day to keep them active, at least until they can attract their own userbase.