• @SuckMyWang
    8 months ago

    The key to getting on with life is to have complete and utter disregard for the well-being of your children, family, friends, fellow countrymen and yourself.

    • Shizu
      168 months ago

      “A man who has nothing to lose, has nothing to fear.”

      • @Dead_or_Alive
        258 months ago

        “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”. - Benjamin Franklin.

        • @SuckMyWang
          38 months ago

          What does he mean by liberty exactly? I feel like we’re well past that

          • @Dead_or_Alive
            58 months ago

            :Looks at Trump MAGA slow motion facist take over of the government:

            Are we really over that liberty thing?

            • @[email protected]
              48 months ago

              Magas don’t want liberty

              Magas quite literally want a theocratic dictatorship that pushes their sick beliefs on the entire country. As they’ll then control nuclear weapons, they’ll likely want to push said sick beliefs upon the entire world.

              Fuck magas

              • @Dead_or_Alive
                18 months ago

                Yes fuck MAGAs, but if the times call for it, I want the tools to do more than just fuck them.

                  • @Dead_or_Alive
                    28 months ago

                    I would expect something like the “troubles” in Ireland or nation wide rioting like we saw in the summer of 2020. We really don’t know what the future holds. But I’d rather have something and not need it than to need it and not have it.

            • @SuckMyWang
              48 months ago

              Is liberty referring to freedom? Liberation from what? What is freedom? The jan 6 people were mostly getting social media washed into their behaviour. Admittedly someone has to be open to it before they can be primed but each step is necessary to achieve this kind of mania. My point is how much are we truely freely thinking when we’re constantly having our attention pulled to events that have carefully curated narratives already prepared for our consumption.

              • @Dead_or_Alive
                28 months ago

                Well you have the freedom to buy into whichever flavor of propaganda you prefer. I don’t think there are too many alternatives flavors of propaganda offered to Chinese or Russian citizens…

      • @SuckMyWang
        68 months ago

        Sort of. This is more like “A man who cares for nothing, has no reason to care.” These people have everything to lose they just don’t think it will happen to them personally

      • @SuckMyWang
        8 months ago

        That lion is attacking those people but it’s not me doing it therefore by doing nothing to help or prevent it I’m showing them that I care about them.

          • @SuckMyWang
            8 months ago

            I don’t know and I probably shouldn’t be critical considering this. From what I can gather from your comment is that you do care. You can at least identify and admit there’s a problem so you’re miles ahead of a lot of people. Take steps for better work conditions and treatment when you can, not just for yourself but for your colleagues, help each other out, be kind, vote for good selfless people who care about those things you mentioned.

          • @captainlezbian
            38 months ago

            Yeah. I vote for people trying to fix these issues. I try to encourage responsibility with weapons. If I were queen of America I’d discuss with experts what the least restrictive means to prohibit these shootings are and work with them to solve it. But nobody is actually in charge here, we all are and none of us are. There is an incredible gun culture here to a degree that I really don’t think anyone but the Australians can relate to. They had a leader make the unpopular decision to get rid of the guns. Our leaders legally can’t. We can’t have a revolution to ban guns because we don’t have the support or the guns on our side. To change the law 2/3 of our states and our legislature have to agree to repeal one of our most culturally significant and politically relevant parts of our constitution. Meanwhile our lifetime appointed Supreme Court is striking down gun control laws

            • R0cket_M00se
              28 months ago

              Not only that, but it’s the bill of rights, if you can take away the second amendment what’s to stop authoritarians from taking the first as well? Or modifying it to preclude certain religions from the establishment clause?

              • @NOPper
                38 months ago

                I see what you’re saying, but the 18th amendment would like a word. The whole point of the Bill of Rights is to be a living document that adjusts as time goes on. Preferably to make this a better country for everyone.

                • @AngryCommieKender
                  28 months ago

                  When was the last time Congress passed a new law, much less an amendment? They’re bought and sold by corporations to ensure that nothing, but the bare minimum to keep the government limping along, will ever get done

                  • @SuckMyWang
                    18 months ago

                    So from what I can tell there’s a system which allows for change but there is insufficient will from many areas as to why change hasn’t happened. So let’s compare Australia’s mass shooting with the American population. From what I read there was 18 million people in Australia in 1996 at the time of the mass shooting that killed 35 people which lead to gun reform. If you were to take the same proportion against the US population it would be the same as a shooter legally buying guns and then killing around 580 people. Do you think change would occur if this happened? Very disturbing if that’s the limit of peoples tolerance of such crimes.

              • @[email protected]
                38 months ago

                It did in the UK. Not only did we ban guns, we also made carrying them a criminal offence. Nobody, not even crims, now casually carries guns around, because they know if they get stopped and searched, and the gun is found, they’re heading straight to the clink. So the only people that carry guns are (a) the few that have a genuine reason to, like airport security, and (b) crims carrying with intent, and the latter can get chucked into the clink directly with the gun carrying being direct proof of that intent.

                But you go on believing gun control doesn’t solve these problems if you want. The evidence from everyone else that has tried it is that (a) it works and (b) we’re not going to throw our gun control out on the grounds of it being useless, because it isn’t. Of course it doesn’t solve the problem 110% and there are OCCASIONAL, SURPRISING news reports about a shooting, not the routine business it is in the USA.

                And your comment about combatting the bourgeois is just ridiculous. they’ll just come after you with a bigger gun and more security than you can shake a stick at. Sure you might pop something off at one of them but the rest’ll blow your arse away in no time.

                This argument is hardly worth having anyway. Once America decided guns were more important than kids’ lives the gun lobby won. When you’ve decided kids are more important than guns we can talk further.

                  • @Daft_ish
                    08 months ago

                    They allow a brighter future where they won’t be forced to work 14 hours a day

                    Going to need some sources on that one, bud.

              • @captainlezbian
                18 months ago

                I agree but it’s also the closest thing to whatever has helped. When I set aside American exceptionalism and ask what has worked it seems that funding social services, opposing right wing radicalization, and banning guns are what worked in other countries. I would much rather start with the first two and I’m conflicted on the last because I’m aware of the importance of arming the oppressed, but it is hard to deny the effectiveness that other countries seem to have found in banning guns. There’s just so many mass shootings, it’s exhausting and it’s been happening since I was a kid and I’d just really like to get to the point where someone shooting up a school is a shocking act of evil instead of a routine one.

                  • @captainlezbian
                    18 months ago

                    I understand how people can come to that conclusion and I was there for a long time and am currently questioning my position, unsure where I’ll land.