Maybe spez is intentionally destroying Reddit. Because all their moves are illogical. It doesn’t make sense.

  • shipoopi
    22 years ago

    I know most people are saying it’s totally reasonable to expect this kind of crazy behavior from rich narcissists… but I agree with you, there are too many people around spez, would have been so much warning, it’s ridiculous that this not only happened but that he’s still holding his ground. It’s following the same trend as Twitter and other SM platforms, there HAS to be an alterior motive imo. Reddit is arguably the largest online community that spans worldwide, what makes most sense to me is that someone(s) wants to shut down and destroy this massive venue of information sharing… but that’s just my opinion.

    • CynAq
      2 years ago

      They want fascists to take it over and spread their bigotry faster. I think that’s the ulterior motive when the entire world seems hell bent on boosting extreme right wing ideologies, apparently trying to push the world into the next great war.

      I sound like a tinfoil hat nut writing like this, I know. I’m a lot more level-headed normally but I feel a bit hyper right now for some reason.

      • brianshatchet
        22 years ago

        Yeah. It looks like they had enough of failing to organically grow right-wing spaces so they are now working to take over left wing ones. They don’t seem to understand that the inherent toxicity of right wing ideology is why those places fail. It’s really sad and disgusting.