• @SCB
    1 year ago

    It really doesn’t. You get a vote, but not a say.

    And, statistically, your vote isn’t impactful because you probably don’t live somewhere where it matters.

    Enjoy voting no on school levies or whatever though.

    • @luckyhunter
      -11 year ago

      I was obviously referring to the 1st amendment, but I absolutely am fully eligible to run for any federal elected office as well!

      • @SCB
        11 year ago

        The first amendment does not give you a voice in our government, which is clearly what I meant.

        But yes you can ramble here, because who else would I make fun of when I’m between meetings at work if dumb people didn’t post stupid shit on the internet?

        Now, don’t you have some drywall to hang?

        • @luckyhunter
          -11 year ago

          lol, BlUe CoLlAr WoRkEr DuMb!, great strategy for the left BTW. No actually, I have a quick meeting with my accountant to go over some end of year tax prep stuff for my company, and then I think I’m going to sneek in a round of golf since it’s a nice day. Not many of those left before we have to switch over to skiing season!

          • @SCB
            1 year ago

            Ah, small-town “business owner” lol

            Also it’s “sneak” but you can absolutely be barely literate and “run a business,” don’t worry.

            But yes you’re correct that I see you as fundamentally lesser than I am. Its why I love paying people like you to build my deck and shit - I drink a glass of lemonade and watch you “own your business” lol

            • @luckyhunter
              -11 year ago

              lol you couldn’t afford my companies services. Well enjoy your meetings, if it’s raining outside don’t forget your umbrella, wouldn’t want you to drowned. Us little people have a Tee time!

              • @SCB
                1 year ago

                I work from home because I contribute actual value to the world.

                Come mow my lawn.

                • @luckyhunter
                  01 year ago

                  The only way you could be contributing value right now is if you could run us out a 6 pack of beer from the club house to the 5th tee. I’ll call in the order right now, there’s a fiver in it for you.

                  • @SCB
                    11 year ago

                    Nah I’m doing it by my work.

                    I’d never associate with you in person. I don’t hang out with r*rals