• @luckyhunter
    11 year ago

    Ok, who organized and hosted the most recent peace talks between Ukraine and Russia? what terms were discussed?

    Oh it’s completely logical. We’ve done it to Russia basically in every single one of their conflicts since the start of the cold war.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      There can’t be any meaningful peacetalks when one side actively occupies another country and claims it wants even more territory. Of course the only “peace talks” they would listen to are from the only country that hasnt completely cut them off which is China. And china has its own interests in this. Peace is easy. The only thing that needs to happen is that Russia removes their army from Ukraine borders. The borders they have recognized and signed dozens of international resolutions to that effect for the last 30 years.

      Your statement is completely illogical and because of that it has never been done in such a way. It might work against a smaller country where there wouldn’t be any other involved party. Especially not the size of EU. Not even then. You are repeating Russian propagandist talking points. Why? Are you aligned with them? If not, doesn’t it concern you that you are using exactly the same language?

      • @luckyhunter
        11 year ago

        I didn’t realize Russia was advocating to save me money but thats cool. No it doesn’t concern me at all because claiming “Russian propoganda” doesn’t change anything I’ve said.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          It doesn’t bother you at all that you are using the exact talking points, that Russian propagandist are using?

          I mean surely you at leat wonder a bit why that is?

          • @luckyhunter
            01 year ago

            nope. It’s interesting they are worried about how my tax money is spent and not the war, that explains the massive failure their invasion has been i guess.

            • @[email protected]
              11 year ago

              That is interesting isn’t it, how you agree with them? I wonder why that is. It couldn’t possibly be because of the source of your information. A smart man like you, you probably carefully digest information for a wide variety of sources, not just a single opinion talking head.


              • @luckyhunter
                11 year ago

                True. I’m not insane thinking that the US will give half their military budget to defend a country that doesn’t matter.

                • @[email protected]
                  11 year ago

                  You don’t see anything further that your nose do you? America already spent about 10% of yearly budget, check the sum in 10 years. Ukraine doesn’t matter to you personally, but you don’t matter. Ukraine matters.

                  • @luckyhunter
                    11 year ago

                    It matters as a meat grinder, that’s for sure.