Story Highlights

  • Third time support has exceeded 60%, along with 2017 and 2021
  • Republicans primarily behind the increase, with 58% now in favor
  • Political independents remain group most likely to favor third party
  • Billiam
    -11 year ago

    Plenty of representatives in Congress right now are there because of grassroots campaigns. Third-party candidates could get elected without major backing, but they for some reason act like it’s impossible. And that’s the problem with third-party supporters: you all want all the clout and recognition of the major parties, without decades of putting in the footwork to get there. Just saying “We’re here! Vote for us!” isn’t gonna cut it.

    When a third party creates a platform with clearly-defined policies and objectives, ideas on how to accomplish those objectives, and puts in effort to win local and state elections, then they’d be considered a viable alternative. But when a party only pops up every four years and whinges about being taken seriously… it’s obvious they’re nothing but a spoiler.

    • phillaholic
      -11 year ago

      I firmly believe they just want to complain without ever having the responsibility of governing. It’s easy to criticize and never needing to test your own solutions.