• @luckyhunter
    01 year ago

    That was a joke? woof, yeah stick to your worker bee job. I was being serious, the people that brag about how big and important they are typically are too poor to pass up $5.

    • @SCB
      01 year ago

      the people that brag about how big and important they are typically are too poor to pass up $5.

      That’s you. You’re describing you.

      I’ve got some painting I need done if you need the cash

      • @luckyhunter
        01 year ago

        I never said I was big or important, I just said you couldn’t afford me. I could have pan handled for the greens fees today, accountants aren’t cheap, i may have needed too. You think working from home and hiring out cheap services is a flex for some reason.

        • @SCB
          01 year ago

          I make more than your town lol

          Having an accountant is only a brag where you’re from

          • @luckyhunter
            01 year ago

            Yeah I’m sure you do, all the rich kids these days brag about their work from home jobs and minor house chores. I don’t know who would ever think having an accountant was a brag though.

            • @SCB
              11 year ago


              • @luckyhunter
                01 year ago

                hmm, you should get out and touch some grass then. Maybe do some golfing or ranching, good for the soul and your waistline.

                • @SCB
                  11 year ago

                  Golfing is not exercise lol.

                  I am very physically active, thanks. I don’t ranch because I’m not trash.

                  • @luckyhunter
                    11 year ago

                    oh boy. yeah you are a regular Usain Bolt I bet. Ag workers are notoriously fat, I don’t know what I was thinking.