If I HAD to use one, which one would be better? While Whatsapp is owned by Facebook, they have end to end encryption for the messages, while the metadata is not. However, on Telegram, nothing is end to end encrypted unless you use a secret chat which most regular people are most likely not going to use. I have a feeling Whatsapp would be better but I wanted to hear your thoughts.

  • @[email protected]
    162 years ago

    So it is either closed-source with promised encryption (not verifiable) and a lot of meta data collection or open-source without encryption. Tough call. Signal would be best of both worlds, but it seems to be no alternative for you.

    Since I don’t trust Meta with anything, I would use Telegram if I had to. But I would absolutely not be happy with it.

    Try to convince the people around you to use Signal.

      • @[email protected]
        2 years ago

        I did the same some years ago. Just deleted WhatsApp and told everyone I was either available via Signal/Threema or via SMS/Mail. Most of my friends installed Signal alongside WhatsApp over the following weeks.

        And this “worked” in a country with over 90 % WhatsApp users ;-).

      • @sliceable_aspirin
        12 years ago

        Just let them know you don’t want Facebook having anything more on you than they already do. Let them know it has everything people want in messaging apps like stickers (whatever the heck those are?!), GIFS, video and phone calls, groups, etc.