I know we’re living in the crapsack timeline, but I didn’t realize it was a crapsack made of little shit people that the Republicans sculpted like they were Play-Doh and then threw them in the sack and made screaming noises, pretending the little shit people were screaming, before declaring that sack to be their new second-in-command after Trump.

  • @Fredselfish
    71 year ago

    He won’t become speaker he got to many legal problems and it takes away from him campaigning so we safe for now.

      • @Fredselfish
        51 year ago

        Couldn’t he turn it down even if he gets the votes? Unless he knows something we don’t know and MTG and pals have a plan to get him installed as president this way.

        • Schadrach
          11 year ago

          Installing the Speaker as President just requires removing Pres and VP. It’s 3rd in line.

    • Schadrach
      21 year ago

      Becoming speaker makes him 3rd in line for the presidency and that sweet, sweet executive immunity. 4 more years before he could be prosecuted, and let’s be fair it’s about even odds he’d live that long.