Robin Williams’ daughter Zelda says AI recreations of her dad are ‘personally disturbing’::Robin Williams’ daughter Zelda says AI recreations of her dad are ‘personally disturbing’: ‘The worst bits of everything this industry is’

  • @assassin_aragorn
    11 year ago

    I haven’t watched Star Trek, but if you’re correct, they depicted an incredibly rudimentary and error prone system. Google “do any African countries start with a K” meme and look at the suggested answer to see just how smart AI is.

    I remain skeptical of AI. If I see evidence suggesting I’m wrong, I’ll be more than happy to admit it. But the technology being touted today is not the general AI envisioned by science fiction nor everything that’s been studied in the space the last decade. This is just sophisticated content generation.

    And finally, throwing data at something does not necessarily improve it. This is easily evidenced by the Google search I suggested. The problem with feeding data en masse is that the data may not be correct. And if the data itself is AI output, it can seriously mess up the algorithms. Since these venture capitalist companies have given no consideration to it, there’s no inherent mark for AI output. It will always self regulate itself to mediocrity because of that. And I don’t think I need to explain that throwing a bunch of funding at X does not make X a worthwhile endeavor. Crypto and NFT come to mind.

    I leave you with this article as a counterexample:

    Throwing more data at the models has been making things worse. Although the exact reasons are unclear, it does suggest that AI is woefully unreliable and immature.