Anyone here participating in this year’s r/fantasy book bingo? How’s it going if so?

Attached a pic of my card so far. Working my way through Red Sister currently and quite enjoying it, turns out this Mark Lawrence guy is pretty good.

Edit: just realised I said “this year’s” bingo when this may in fact be “the last” bingo. Oh well.

  • fraserOP
    11 year ago

    No actually they were saying that the characters were unlikeable and complaining that it apparently has a downbeat ending, neither of which I was feeling up to.

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      I think the blurb sets up a bad set of expectations. “Lesbian necromancers in space” makes it seem like a Sci-Fi/Fantasy LGBT+ romance novel. Instead you get a mystery in a setting that is only technically science-fantasy with a vague romance side plot.

      The ending isn’t happy, that is for sure.

      • fraserOP
        21 year ago

        This is both off-putting and yet still intriguing for me. I’ll definitely have to give it a go soon and see how it hits me.