• spaceghoti
    11 year ago

    The oasis you dream of can only truly be met by full confiscation of all firearms in the states.

    Yes, thank you for succinctly outlining the end goal.

    • @Bonskreeskreeskree
      01 year ago

      Doesn’t look like my attempt to tag a user worked, but I’ll leave the comment as is. Banning all firearms is a pipe dream. Focus on the few impactful ways you can legislate improvement to gun control instead.

      • spaceghoti
        21 year ago

        Just because that’s the end goal doesn’t mean I expect to land there immediately. There’s plenty of commonsense reform that lies between “deregulate all guns” and “eliminate all guns.” If we want an end to gun violence, we have to get rid of the guns. QED. That doesn’t mean we expect that result all at once. Being honest about what I want most doesn’t mean I’m unwilling to accept compromise or work toward it in smaller steps.

        But since you seem to be determined to strawman this argument to death, I’ll end my participation here.

        • @Bonskreeskreeskree
          11 year ago

          Social program ensuring free access to Healthcare, mental health treatments, affordable housing, and a minimal standard of living for all citizens would do more to curb violence of all types immediately than fighting inch by inch towards a full gun ban ever will.