• @Wooki
    1 year ago

    There is no discussion that can be had here, at all, anyone capable of any form of rational thought can see this is either comical or insanely dangerous .

    They are born in echo chambers where there is no diversity just reinforcement which frankly I should thank you for reinforcement the echo chamber. Could never have been proven more.

    • ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻M
      21 year ago

      I haven’t read the article and it doesn’t look like you have either. But what I gather is they’re not trying to shut down the M1 in Brisbane every Saturday. They’re just suggesting closing some busy roads for markets and festivals to encourage people to use public transport. I don’t drive in the CBD and my experience is only really with Brisbane so I’m not really against the idea. But of course public transport needs to catch up, the trains in SEQ are ridiculously slow but the buses are actually quite good, of course we need more of them and bigger ones. Personally, I don’t see how this has anything to do with being in an echo chamber. Failing to provide a good argument against one supported by an alleged “echo chamber” only serves to embolden the “echo chamber”. So really you should be thanking yourself for reinforcing the echo chamber.

      • @Wooki
        1 year ago

        The podcast premise is born in false equivalence of Australian cities to the NY and other utter massive cities. That’s straight out of the gate. I stopped there.

        “Failing to provide a good argument “

        There is NO argument to be had here, but hey I will keep it simple, people die when roads are closed. It is blatantly obvious why it’s bad for Australia and this ideology perpetuates a very dangerous delusion. But hey rule ban dissent away.

          • @Wooki
            11 year ago

            It is, for obvious username colour. You can see where this group devolves this discussion into, outside this thread from “ban cars in cities” to: “ban cars outright”. It perpetuates an ideology born for very high density and very high populations with functional, accessible, affordable, public transport. A fictional triad in Australia & really fictional to cities “in whole”. As a result it spreads the ideology that removing transportation isn’t dangerous which it very much is why city planners have heart attacks closing roads. The net effect of removing “cars”: people die.

            • ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻M
              11 year ago

              The reason I called you out was because you didn’t give an argument, not because I disagree, or it goes against the “popular view”. Are you arguing that you have been unfairly targeted?

              • @Wooki
                11 year ago

                “Are you arguing that you have been unfairly targeted?” No, it was a borderline response. However very intentional as the alternative is proven where any “discussion” degrades to in the other thread with OP as I noted above would happen. OP has no interest having any discussions on the merits of closing one street for a market as does this podcast. It’s disingenuous to achieve one outcome: ban all cars.

                • ⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻M
                  11 year ago

                  I am aware that the OP has an anti-car and pro-cyclist stance, they’re entitled to their opinion. That other thread (I assume you’re referring to the one branched off of this one) is rather unpleasant to read. And the problem is you are arguing over what you both assume your arguments to be immutable facts, when in reality neither of you are posting any sources to back up your claims making conversation impossible.

                  Personally, I believe that we are at least 10 years away from being able to realise a mostly car-free city in Australia, since we need infrastructure to catch-up as well as places outside the city e.g. Eight Mile Plains Bus station south of Brisbane where people commuting from semi-rural areas (like me) can park to get a bus or a train which is faster than sitting in traffic for an hour. We need services to be fast, often and reliable so people use them due to actual benefit.

                  • @Wooki
                    11 year ago

                    It’s far simpler than that. Where is it in place, why and how right now (ignoring effectiveness). None apply to Australia, we will never have both the population or geographical size/density required for our cities to implement this in any meaningful manner within the next generation

        • ZagorathOP
          11 year ago

          people die when roads are closed

          lol what a lazy troll. No they don’t. Fewer people die when you take away one of the biggest killers.

          And please don’t come back at me with the obvious troll response here. You and I already both know how much of a blatant straw man it is.

          • @Wooki
            01 year ago

            Thanks for proving my point, dangerously delusional

            • ZagorathOP
              01 year ago

              Cars kill hundreds of people every year.

              Pedestrians and cyclists kill zero.

              Pretty simple maths, for anyone who graduated from primary school.

              • @Wooki
                01 year ago

                nice straw man, even more dangerous ideology

                • ZagorathOP
                  01 year ago

                  If you can’t face facts man, you should probably stop arguing with people who use them. You’re just making yourself look a numpty.

                  • @Wooki
                    1 year ago

                    Zagorath “Facts”: “road closures have zero impact on the lives of people”

                    Cool story straw man