I got myself a tungsten nozzle, thinking it would last forever…

Today I tried to clean it with a needle (learning after about many suggestions not to do so) and the needle snapped inside the nozzle, quickly fusing to the clog…

I’ve tried blasting it with a kitchen torch, without success at loosening this thing. Any tips?


  • @PixelPlumberOP
    22 years ago

    I got it after lots of fussing with it.

    Got a cheap $10 hot air gun, propped it sitting up.

    Grabbed the tiny bit of needle I could reach with a pair of tweezers that fit, grabbed the tweezers with a pair of pliers to not burn myself

    Grabbed the other end of the nozzle with another pair of pliers, held it up to the hot air gun like I was roasting it and just kept a light but constant pressure.

    Nothing else I tried worked, I have no idea why it was so stuck on there. But thanks all for helping push me to the hot air gun