Event Page - Occidental Center for the Arts, Occidental, CA

Sat, Oct 07, 2023 , 12:00pm-4:00pm Sun, Oct 08, 2023, 12:00pm-4:00pm Sat, Oct 14, 2023, 12:00pm-4:00pm Sun, Oct 15, 2023, 12:00pm-4:00pm

This strangely beautiful art show created by the Sonoma 5 artist collective is not for the average birdwatcher. These are not images of mild-mannered pigeons, ordinary bluejays, or familiar warblers. No, these are in fact (possibly) the most bizarre and mysterious owls ever painted by humankind. Sure, it’s a big claim, but go see for yourself. These owls are untamed explosions of color, attitude, and fun. These are owls you’d be happy to go drink a martini with or smoke some Amsterdam hashish. Forget those sleepy owls on PBS nature shows. Come see imaginative owl-splorations filled with color, life, and personality in their native gallery habitat.

The exhibition features multiple original paintings by artists: Omar Mueller, Tamsin Smith, Walt Morton, Jane Manning and Charlie Pendergast. Also a wood diorama by Joe Szuecs. There’s owl art for every taste and budget here.

Why did the group choose owls as subject matter? Artist Walt Morton responded: “There are a million conventional paintings of the usual and expected subjects you see in every art show of portraits, landscapes, and teacups. The Sonoma 5 rejects that ordinary copycat attitude and seeks to paint subjects you don’t usually see, for example, owls, and then to paint in fun and interesting ways. We’re trying to do some fresh new work here, because I for one, don’t want to paint like I’m wearing my grandmother’s underwear.”