Sad to see the end of a 13 year run.

  • @darcmage
    31 year ago

    It was a good show for android users like me and the lack of good alternatives indicates there isn’t a market for this type of show. We’re probably still in the early stages of losing the things we’re used to having because they’re no longer economically viable.

    • @slinky317
      31 year ago

      There was a time when there were a bunch of Android podcasts. But I think as Google has made Android more “boring” the interest for these has faded.

      • @darcmage
        11 year ago

        Agreed. Google exercising tighter control over android has sucked out the enthusiasm of the community. I used to enjoy seeing all the different roms and features people would add even if they weren’t for me. Personally, I’m really hoping we see a decent linux phone soon.